Thursday, December 18, 2008


My work juxtaposes diverse aspects of my life. In the absence of an identity defined by a single religion, culture, place or ethnicity, I have been searching for a definition of my self. I created, “Paper Trail” an installation mapping my physical path over a year, to explore the memory of place. In the following piece, I attempted a new form of expression, or rather, combined the way I express myself playfully in hoop class with the way I express myself in my art practice. Throughout the semester I have been examining my current place through the lawn, which I see as a defining aspect of this place where I now live. I juxtapose my delightful childhood memories of the lawn, with the lawn’s current devastating environmental impact in the Chia Sandal project. The culminating project of the semester presented me with an obstruction that showed what a wide gulf still exists between who I am and what I express artistically.

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